How to add shadow on outlook email signature 2013
How to add shadow on outlook email signature 2013

how to add shadow on outlook email signature 2013

Add a key word (#quotes#) at the bottom of the signature.Create a signature in Microsoft Office Outlook.I use very basic techniques / ways to do this. So finally I decided that I will go for Win32 application. When I started writing this program, I was a little bit confused because I could not decide which one I would use, should I go for Add-In or Windows services or a simple Win32 Form application. Finally, I decided that I will write a program which will randomly add quotes in my Outlook email signature. When I'm trying to choose quotes for my email signature, I am stuck! Which one should I take, there are a large number of quotes are available and I could not choose one of them. I love quotes especially inspiration or motivational quotes & I really enjoy using quotes in my email signature.

how to add shadow on outlook email signature 2013

Please note that we will use Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 as our email client software. Well, we will discuss about how we can add random quotes in our email signature.

how to add shadow on outlook email signature 2013

This article contains few funny things which I would like to share with you guys. Download QuotesInSignature (source) - 19.45 KB.

How to add shadow on outlook email signature 2013