Jriver raspberry pi
Jriver raspberry pi

jriver raspberry pi jriver raspberry pi

In summary, the goal is for JRVR to offer a high-quality video experience for everyone, without requiring expensive hardware, or extensive knowledge and configuration. At the same time, faster machines can use more advanced features to get even more out of the videos. And we want to enable them to do so in high-quality.

jriver raspberry pi

Low-end machines can still play video just fine. The experience should be good out of the box, and only get better with a bit of configuration, and not require hours of research to tune hundreds of options Including full support for HDR and other modern video technologies. High-Quality processing and presentation of the videos is the primary goal of JRVR. JRVR was designed around the following key conceptsĪ cross-platform renderer allows us to offer a consistent video experience on all supported platforms, on Windows, Linux and Mac

Jriver raspberry pi